Massive Collective Intelligence

Buscant documentació sobre ciberactivisme trobo aquesta nova eina, Incoma (Mass Collective Intelligence). A veure si tinc temps de buscar més informació per avaluar si la incorporo com a objecte d’estudi. En una primera (i ràpida) lectura veig que defineixen les característiques que ha de tenir per gestionar i arxivar la intel·ligència col·lectiva.

– It must allow everyone to express their thoughts, in any possible form (proposals, opinions, information, ideas,…), and differentiate between them (what is an opinion, what is information, etc).

– It must allow everyone to carry out “thought processes” on all the ideas presented: It should be capable of establishing relations between ideas (syntheses, contradictions, find duplications), asking questions, answering them, providing more information, clarifying, adding nuances, objections…-, and also of differentiating between each of these processes.

– It should make it possible to connect ideas and carry “thought processes” between distant “threads” of thought; linking them in the same network, so all of them affect each other.

Després de veure la infografia (sobre la blogsfera), imagino que dónen per fet que només tindrà sentit si es basa en la topologia distribuïda

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