var ZeroClipboard, jQuery; (function($) { $(function(){ var zeroUrl = ""; ZeroClipboard.setMoviePath(zeroUrl); function create_clip(el, copy) { var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client(); clip.setText(''); clip.setHandCursor(true); clip.addEventListener('mouseDown', function() { clip.setText(copy()); }); clip.glue(el, el.parentNode); $(el).data("clip", clip); return clip; } function create_code_copy_clip(el) { var dom_el = el[0], code = el.parent().parent().parent().find('.raw code'); create_clip(dom_el, function() {return code.text()}); } $('.tools .show-raw').show(); $('.tools .show-colored').hide(); // clipboard $('.to-clipboard').each(function() { create_code_copy_clip($(this)); }); // toggle raw/ highlighted views $('.highlighted').css('display', 'block'); $('.tools .show-raw, .tools .show-colored').click(function() { var el = $(this), tools = el.parent().parent(), wrap = tools.parent(), to_clip = tools.find('.to-clipboard'); wrap.children('.highlighted').slideToggle(); wrap.children('.raw').slideToggle(); tools.find('.show-colored').toggle(); tools.find('.show-raw').toggle();"clip").destroy(); create_code_copy_clip(to_clip); return false; }); $(window).resize(function() { $('.to-clipboard').each(function() { $(this).data("clip").glue(this, this.parentNode); }); }); // print $('.print').click(function() { var el = $(this), code = el.parent().parent().parent().find('.highlight'); code.printArea(); return false; }); // about $('.about').click(function() { var dialog = $('#wppygments-about-dialog'); if (!dialog.size()) { dialog = $('
WpPygments is a Wordpress plugin that colorizes your code snippets using the web-service created around a popular Pygments library.
' + 'Read here for details.
' + 'Both the service and the plugin are developed by Eugene Mirotin.
' + '